Ein ICE im Hintergrund davor ein Polier mit Warnkleidung und einem Helm

Hasselmann: Paving the way.


Medium-sized. Modern. Mobile

Hasselmann GmbH was founded on May 14, 1998 by taking over the company Heinz Hasselmann from Kirchweyhe near Bremen - with a change of location to Werra-Suhl-Tal in Thuringia.

Despite the complete change of shareholders, the...

Hasselmann GmbH was founded on May 14, 1998 by taking over the company Heinz Hasselmann from Kirchweyhe near Bremen - with a change of location to Werra-Suhl-Tal in Thuringia.

Despite the complete change of shareholders, the company name "Hasselmann" was retained due to the positive market recognition and the continuation of the existing service contracts.

Since then, the new company has developed successfully in the core area of railroad construction. The main client is Deutsche Bahn AG. Hasselmann GmbH is also a partner for the realization of numerous contract services in the regional public sector.

Hasselmann GmbH was founded on May 14, 1998 by taking over the company Heinz Hasselmann from Kirchweyhe near Bremen - with a change of location to Werra-Suhl-Tal in Thuringia.

Despite the complete change of shareholders, the company name "Hasselmann" was retained due to the positive market recognition and the continuation of the existing service contracts.

Since then, the new company has developed successfully in the core area of railroad construction. The main client is Deutsche Bahn AG. Hasselmann GmbH is also a partner for the realization of numerous contract services in the regional public sector.

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Our services

Railroad construction

Paving the way

The organization and logistics of railroad construction projects are always a challenge because the work is usually carried out in very tight time frames while rail traffic is still running. Hasselmann has been solving these tasks throughout Germany for decades with effective techniques and efficient logistics. This has led to a lasting reputation as a respected provider in the demanding rail construction market segment.

This has enabled the company to significantly expand its market position in recent years and to constantly expand and consolidate its expertise in numerous projects.

Extensive measures are planned as part of the mobility transition in order to maintain and expand the current rail network. Together with its affiliated companies, Hasselmann stands for the reliable realization of these projects.

Railroad construction services

Railroad construction projects

Civil engineering

Perfect plan

Civil engineering is one of the most demanding tasks in the construction industry. Hasselmann GmbH also relies on a high level of expertise in this service sector right from the start. For the efficient realization of complex construction projects, it is advantageous to know the planning specifications precisely or sometimes even to refine them during the implementation process. This often results in time and cost savings, which in turn contribute to a high level of customer satisfaction. Hasselmann GmbH stands for high-quality civil engineering services and has impressively demonstrated this over the years in a wide variety of railroad construction projects.

Services in the field of construction

Hasselmann: Strength. Community.